Currently discussing with neighbours and will be in touch asap. Thanks!
Hi, i have no experience in this so bare with me.
We have minimum 2 wild dogs hanging out on our block. 4 goats killed in 2 nights and the dogs still hanging around. Our block is steep and is 5 acres but the dogs seem to be coming down the hill at night. I have asked weapons licensing qld and they said if someone has a feral animal control licence then they would be legally allowed to shoot on our land. The land across from us is almost 80 acres and they have footage of what we assume is the same 2 dogs. They have also lost goats and alpacas but aren’t able to show a shooter around their property just yet. Neighbours and surrounding land owners are happy for hunting to occur as we all want the dogs gone. We have a dead goat (3 days old now) that we will be putting in a trap tonight if not being used for bait by a shooter. The dogs dont appear to be eating all their kills.