How to Post a Job

How to post a job

Once you have registered, the next step is to login so you can access the portal to allow you to post a job. The below information provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
  • When logged in, click the ‘add new job’ menu option.

When entering information about your job, keep in mind that you should be as specific as possible. The more information you provide about a particular job, the less you will be asked the same questions from members and the more you will receive genuine interest from members. You have the ability to tick a number of species that you may want help managing as well as the specific problem at hand, so you don’t need to include secondary species in your job title.
  • Enter the required fields.
The ‘Title’ of your job post should be very specific. For example, if you need help with a particular pest such as rabbits, you should type in ‘Rabbits’. The ‘Description’ section allows you to expand and enter as much information as you want. Include all the relevant information that you want to tell a prospective helper about the job. If your job requires a damage mitigation permit you should make reference to this and include the permit number in this section. The ‘Accommodation’ box will assist potential helpers in planning a trip if they need to travel some distance to get to your property. By describing possible options in this section, you can help members with their trip planning. You need to enter the number of members you wish to have helping and an approximate location of your property. If you use the pinpoint marker on the map, you can move it to a location as near as you want to your property. For privacy reasons, we suggest that you do NOT put this marker on your property’s exact location. We recommend a nearby town or other close point of interest
  • Click the ‘preview’ button and then submit to place it instantly on the Jobs Board.

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